If you have a special keyboard, because maybe you are special yourself or because something special has been created with your keyboard - don't throw it away, but give it the chance to be incorporated into a work of art - by me.
*1967 | Highschool Abschluss, Alaska | Abitur, Hofheim/ Taunus | Studium der visuellen Kommunikation, Darmstadt | Studium Comic-Zeichnen, École des Beaux-Arts, Angoulême | 25 Jahre Werbung, Grafik und Illustration | verheiratet mit Kathrin | drei Kinder | Hund | Hund | Katze | zuhause in Frankfurt |
Peter Schönwandt
Seeheimer Straße 4
60599 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49 (0) 176 83 479 749
E-Mail: peter(at)pixelkunst-ps.de
Internet: https://www.pixelkunst-ps.de